Crowns and Halos | Catholic Statues religious figures virgin mary

Crowns and Halos | Catholic Statues religious figures virgin mary

The Halo and Crowns of the Virgin Mary | The Meaning in the Catholic Church

Catholic iconography is rich in symbols and visual elements that convey profound meanings. One of these elements is the halo, crowns, and other ornamental elements that adorn the heads of the figures of the Virgin Mary.

  • The Symbolism of the Halo

The halo is a circle of light represented around the heads of sacred figures in the Catholic tradition. The halo symbolizes holiness, divinity, purity, and the role of the Virgin Mary as the mother of Jesus. It is a visual attribute that highlights her importance and her connection to the sacred.

In Christian iconography, the halo of the Virgin Mary is often depicted with a crown of stars, adding a meaning to its symbolism. The stars represent both her virginity and her heavenly royalty. This symbolic aspect of the halo with stars is based on the passage from the Book of Revelation, where the Virgin is described as being surrounded by a crown of twelve stars.

The halo of the Virgin can also bear other symbolic representations according to the context and artistic tradition. For example, in some Marian representations, the halo may be decorated with flowers, symbolizing the beauty and purity of Mary.

Other depictions of the Virgin Mary may have the halo accompanied or replaced by a crown and rays of light, symbolizing the celestial royalty of Our Holy Mother.

It is important to note that the halo is not an exclusive element of the Virgin Mary in religious iconography. Other saints and sacred figures are also represented with halos, although their shape and design may vary.

  • The Symbolism of the Halo in Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, also known as Our Lady of Carmel, is a highly venerated Marian apparition in Spain and Latin America. In artistic representations, Our Lady of Mount Carmel is often depicted with a halo around her head.

The halo in Our Lady of Mount Carmel symbolizes her holiness and connection to the divine, as well as the protection and care she provides to her devotees. In some images of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the halo may include stars, representing the 12 tribes of Israel and also referencing the biblical passage from the Book of Revelation, where a woman is described as being crowned with 12 stars.

  • Halo in the Virgin of El Rocío

The Virgin of El Rocío is another Marian devotion highly revered in Spain. The most representative figure of the Virgin of El Rocío, located in Almonte, is an image adorned with a wide variety of garments. She usually wears a halo that surrounds her entire body and head.

The figure of the Virgin of El Rocío often also wears a crown adorned with a cross and twelve stars.

  • Halo in the Virgin of Sorrows

The Virgin of Sorrows is another Marian devotion that represents the Virgin Mary in her sorrow and suffering for the passion and death of Jesus Christ.

There is a wide variety of figures depicting the Virgin of Sorrows. Many of them include a halo, among other crowns, etc.

The most distinctive feature of the figures of the Virgin of Sorrows is the heart pierced by seven swords. Each of the seven swords represents painful moments in the life of the Holy Mary: the prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, the loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple, the encounter of Mary with her Son on the way to Calvary, the crucifixion and death of Jesus, the descent of Jesus from the Cross, and the entombment of Christ.

Crowns for figurines of the Virgin

In our online religious goldsmith shop we have for sale a wide variety of crowns and halos for statues of the Virgin Mary: royal crowns, imperial crowns, county crowns, diadem crowns, halos with stars, ring halos, etc...

This wide variety of crowns and halos for the Virgin serve to embellish the figures and figures of the Virgin Mary.

Crowns are religious goldsmith items that are placed on images of the Virgin Mary.

The crowns are the symbol that identifies the Virgin Mary as Queen of the Universe, the Virgin is the Queen of Heaven and Earth.

The Virgin Mary is queen from the moment of the conception of her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings. The divine maternity of the Virgin unites her eternally with our Savior Jesus Christ, which gives her the right to be Queen.

In addition, she is also Queen as Co-redemptrix of all human beings. Jesus gave his life for our Redemption and the Blessed Virgin Mary, standing next to Christ at the foot of the Cross, helped our salvation with her painful Compassion.

Crowns of thorns, powers, halos, rays for figures of Christ

The crown of thorns is one of the classic symbols with which the suffering that Our Father Jesus Christ suffered during his Passion and Death is identified.

The crown of thorns was used with an element of torture and mockery. The Romans put the crown of thorns on him because of the great damage he caused, and as a symbol of the King of the Jews.

Halos for images of Saints

Halos for statues of Saints

Crowns for Catholic images | Crowns for Virgin | Crowns of thorns for Christ | Halos for Saints

Sale of crowns for catholic sculptures | Crowns (royal crowns, imperial crowns, county crowns, etc...) for the Virgin; crowns of thorns and powers for figurines of Christ or halos for Saints and Saints, are goldsmith works used to decorate religious images.
