Votive Candle Stands & Holders

Votive Candle Stands & Holders

Votive candle stands & holders | Electric candleholders for Catholic Chruch

Candle votive stand for Churches | LED lights votive candles | Other Electric Religious Items for Purchase: Coin Counter and Electronic Clapper for Bells | Also candle holders and traditional candle holders for white wax candles.

Electric votive candle stands for Church | Electronic, wax and paraffin votive candle holders | Sale of other electronic religious Products | Eco-friendly candles

Sale of electronic votive candle stands for Church | Votive candle stands with small candles and large candles with low-power LED lights | Other electronic religious items available for purchase: coin counter and electronic bell clapper for bells | Also candle holders and traditional votive candle stands for white wax candles.

What is a Church votive candle stand and what is its function?

A votive candle stand is a piece of parish furniture used in churches since ancient times. Church votive candle stands are deeply related to the prominent role that candles have within liturgical celebrations.

Definition of votive candle stand

The word votive candle stand has its origin in the Latin name Lampadarii, which, in turn, comes from the Greek term "lampas" λαμπάς (candle).

The Latin term was related to people, usually slaves, who held a torch or candle during important celebrations.

A votive candle stand is a piece of furniture, a parish accessory, whose fundamental function is to serve as support for the candles that are lit on the altars and other prominent places in the church.

Traditionally, the pieces of metalware that were placed on the ceiling were also known as "votive candle stands." Other names used to refer to these hanging pieces were "candelabrum," "chandelier," or "pendant lamp."

In our days, the concept of a votive candle stand is related to furniture accessories that are directly placed on the floor.

There is a wide variety of shapes, sizes, decorations, colors, technologies, etc. Despite this wide variety, it is common for all votive candle stands to be fundamentally composed of three parts:

  1. Candle support area: the place on the votive candle stand where the candles are located.
  2. Legs or base of the votive candle stand: the part of the votive candle stand whose main function is to support the candle holder.
  3. Box for offerings: a place where the faithful can deposit their offerings.

Functions of a votive candle and tealight candles holders in a Catholic Church

The votive candle stand in a church fulfills several important functions within the parish context:

  • Illumination

The votive candle stand provides soft and warm lighting that creates a reverent atmosphere conducive to prayer and contemplation. In the past, before the advent of electricity, lighting also had a clear functional purpose as it served to carry out parish activities during periods of low natural light.

  • Decoration element

The design of tealight candle holders can be a good element to complement the decoration and/or architecture of a specific parish.

  • Religious symbolism

Votive candle stands also have a symbolic meaning in Catholic liturgy. The light emanating from the candles or bulbs represents the presence of Christ as the light of the world and His divinity.

  • Means of communication with God, Jesus, the Virgin Mary, the Saints, etc.

It is common to place votive candle stands in the vicinity of a specific altar. The faithful often light a candle when they wish to present a prayer, say a prayer, seek comfort, or simply...

  • Economic support for parish work

Votive candle stands play an important role as economic support for the day-to-day work carried out by the church. Votive candle stands collect the alms of the faithful, which will later be used to carry out various activities that impact the daily life of the parish.

Types of votive candle stands for churches

In the market, there are different types of votive candle stands for churches, each with its own characteristics and advantages. Below are some of the most common ones:

Electric votive candle stands

Electric votive candle stands are a practical and modern option. These votive candle holders operate with energy-efficient LED bulbs and often have an elegant and sophisticated design. Their installation is simple and does not require much maintenance.

They are designed to imitate the appearance of traditional wax votive candle stands but use electric bulbs instead of candles. Nowadays, there are electronic votive candle stands with flickering LED flame illumination that faithfully reproduce the flame of wax candles.

Electric votive candle stands are safer than traditional ones because there is no risk of fire.

  • Capacity and number of candles

Electric votive candle stands for churches are a practical and efficient option for illuminating sacred spaces. These votive candle stands are characterized by their capacity to accommodate a large number of electric candles, allowing for impactful illumination suitable for the solemnity of religious rituals. Depending on the model, they can have the capacity for several dozen candles, providing optimal brightness for each space in the church.

  • Materials and design

Electric votive candle stands for churches are made with durable and resistant materials, such as metal. These materials ensure the quality and elegance of the votive candle stands while making them suitable for constant and prolonged use.

Regarding design, votive candle holders can vary in style, from classic and ornate designs to more modern and minimalist ones. The choice of design will depend on the taste and aesthetics of each church.

Electric votive candle stands for churches feature an integrated payment and programming system. This allows the faithful to automatically light the candles. The programming system also allows for setting the duration of the lighting.

  • Safety and durability

Electric votive candle stands for churches are designed to meet high standards of safety and durability. The tealight candle holders are equipped with security boxes that prevent theft of the donations from the faithful. Additionally, they are made from durable and resistant materials. The LED candles in the votive candle stands have a long life span and can be lit for thousands of hours. The structures of the votive candle stands are made of very sturdy metal.

Wax votive candle votive stands

Wax candle votive candle stands are a traditional and widely used option in churches. This type of votive candle stands has been used in the Catholic Church throughout the centuries. They operate with wax candles and usually have a classic and robust design.

Furthermore, their light is warm and welcoming, creating an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Eco-friendly votive wax candle holders

Eco-friendly wax candle votive candle stands are a modern and environmentally friendly option. These votive candle stands operate with eco-friendly candles and usually feature innovative and original designs. Additionally, their light is soft and pleasant, creating an atmosphere of harmony and serenity.

These eco-friendly candles are made from 100% refined paraffin, which means they do not produce smoke or emit unpleasant fragrances. The production of these candles and the votive candle stand focuses on minimizing waste and respecting the environment. As for maintenance, these eco-friendly votive candle stands require little care. Simple measures ensure efficient and sustainable maintenance of the tealight candle holders in the church.

Tips for buying a votive candle stand for the Church

The votive candle stand is an important element in the decoration of any church. To make a good choice when buying a votive candle stand for our church or parish, we must consider the following points.

  • Size and style of the church

The first factor to consider is the size of your church and, specifically, the size of the space the votive candle stand will occupy. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the measurements of the votive candle stands.

You should also consider the style of your church. If the church has a traditional style, it is likely better to choose a classic votive candle stand. On the other hand, if your church has a modern style, you can opt for a more contemporary votive candle stand.

  • Needs of the parish community

When buying a votive candle stand, the needs of the parish should also be taken into account.

If the church has a large number of parishioners, it will be advisable to choose tealight candle holders with a greater candle capacity. In some cases, it may even be necessary to place multiple votive candle stands together.

  • Prices of votive candle holders

Another important factor to consider when purchasing votive candle stands, perhaps one of the most important factors, is the selling price of the votive candle stand.

In general, the purchase of a votive candle stand is a significant decision for any parish or brotherhood. It is a piece of furniture that represents a significant investment and will be associated with the life of the parish for many years.

In our online store, we have votive candle stands for sale at various price ranges. From the most affordable wrought iron votive candle stands, to brass tealight candle holders, and even the latest generation LED votive candle stands with higher prices.

When analyzing the purchase price of a tealight candlestand, one must take into account the initial purchase price plus any subsequent consumption and maintenance costs.

Electronic votive candle stands represent a one-time investment. In other words, there is an initial outlay that guarantees the functioning of the product for many years. There is the expense of electricity consumption as these votive candle stands require electricity to operate. High-efficiency candles have very low electrical consumption, which in practice does not constitute a significant expense to consider.

Votive candle stands, small lamps, or eco-friendly candles have a continuous candle consumption. They involve a cheaper initial investment, but it is necessary to periodically replenish the consumed candles.

  • Maintenance and repair of votive candle stands for churches

Tealight candle stands are objects with robust and simple designs to prevent errors, breakages, and/or malfunctions. To improve their durability, it is necessary to perform regular maintenance. Depending on the type of votive candle stand purchased, specific preventive maintenance measures need to be taken.

Repair and maintenance of electronic votive candle stands. Electronic votive candle stands are more technologically complex than other alternatives that can be purchased for use in a parish. Greater technical development entails a higher number of functionalities, such as programmable lighting, but it also carries the possibility of malfunctions. Problems are not common, but they can occur.

The most common causes of malfunctions in electronic votive candle stands are failures in the LED bulbs of the candles, breakages or damages to the power cables, failures in the control systems, and problems with the coin mechanism.

These types of malfunctions have been taken into account in the design of the latest generation church votive candle stands. To avoid delays in repairs and facilitate maintenance, components have been developed with detachable connections, without soldering or with very basic soldering. These elements are easily removable and replaceable.

Buying second-hand electronic votive candle stands

Updating old models. Old votive candle stands can be very beautiful, but they can also be inefficient and unsafe. The technology they operate on may be outdated compared to new innovations.

If you have an old votive candle stand in your church or are considering buying a second-hand votive candle stand, it is important to consider possible malfunctions, repairs, and replacement parts.

Currently, with the emergence of new votive candle stand models, as is the case with most new technologies, spare parts for previous models are gradually being discontinued. Manufacturers usually have a stock of parts to continue providing buyers with the old models. Once that stock of parts is depleted, they are not replenished as manufacturing efforts are focused on the new votive candle stand models.

If you have considered purchasing a second-hand electronic votive candle stand, make sure there is the possibility of acquiring replacement parts in the future.