Communion tablecloths with chalice, Host, wheat and embroidered grapes

Communion tablecloths with chalice, Host, wheat and embroidered grapes
Communion tablecloths with chalice, Host, wheat and embroidered grapes
Communion tablecloths with chalice, Host, wheat and embroidered grapes, Img
Communion tablecloths with chalice, Host, wheat and embroidered grapes
Communion tablecloths with chalice, Host, wheat and embroidered grapes, Img 1
Communion tablecloths with chalice, Host, wheat and embroidered grapes
Communion tablecloths with chalice, Host, wheat and embroidered grapes, Img 2
Communion tablecloths with chalice, Host, wheat and embroidered grapes
Communion tablecloths with chalice, Host, wheat and embroidered grapes, Img 3
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Ref: 84R001


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(2.000 Kg.)

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Communion tablecloths

  • For sale in three sizes (length by width):
    • Communion tablecloths of 200 by 150 cm.
    • Communion tablecloths of 250 by 150 cm.
    • Communion tablecloths of 300 by 150 cm.
  • Embroidered on three sides.
  • Tablecloth made of 100% polyester.
  • Lace decorated with an embroidered chalice.

Communion tablecloths embroidery

Altar tablecloth with two types of embroidery, one for the front of the tablecloth and one for the two sides.

  • The embroidery on the front of the Communion tablecloths is a confection with various liturgical elements. This embroidery is composed of a golden chalice and a Sacred Form with sparkles that represents the body of Christ. The Holy Form has the JHS embroidered. The JHS symbol is a modern adaptation of the Latin IHS which in turn comes from the abbreviation of the name of Jesus in capital Greek letters: IHCOUC. The expression is made up of the Greek letter iota (I: our Latin i, written the same), eta (which is written in capital letters like our H: it is transcribed and pronounced e) and C which, due to its resemblance, becomes sigma ( ς) (our s). It is believed that it was Saint Bernardino of Siena who, in the 14th century, gave the name greater meaning to each letter by turning each one into the initials of a sentence: Iesus (or Jesus today) Hominum Salvator, which most experts coincide in translating as Jesus Savior of Men.
  • The central embroidery of the Communion tablecloths is complemented by two symmetrical figures that surround the golden chalice and the Sacred Host. These figures are composed of various Eucharistic elements. The first of them is a vine branch with green leaves and golden grapes that evoke the Eucharist and wine as a representation of the Blood of Christ: "Take and drink from it, all of you, because this is the chalice of my Blood, Blood of the new and eternal covenant that will be poured out for you and for all men for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me". The second element is ears of wheat with golden grains that represent the Eucharistic Bread and the Body of Christ: "Take and eat all of it, because this is my Body, which will be given for you." Both parts are joined by a bow.
  • The embroidery of the two lateral faces of the Communion tablecloths for the altar is the golden chalice with the Sacred Host with sparkles that can be seen on the front