Chalices of Silver


The calyces are a few of the sacred vessels used during the Eucharist. The chalices of Communion are made in all kinds of materials: chalices of bronze, goblets, metal goblets alpaca, etc...

The chalices sacred of silver are chalices of the highest quality that we have for sale in our online store. Are made following the strictest quality criteria. The silver used for the manufacture of the calyces is fully guaranteed.

In our online shop you will find all kind of chalices: chalices, baroque, sacred classics, chalices with gold-plated, chalices of silver and wood, etc...



At the time of purchasing a sacred chalice of silver has to take into account the delivery time. The chalices of silver, due to its high value and price, are manufactured to order. The average period of entrea of a chalice of silver is between 20 and 45 days from the confirmation of your purchase.