Catholic Church pulpits
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Catholic Church pulpits

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Catholic Church pulpits

In our churches there is usually a large amount of liturgical furniture . They are elements that serve the ministers and assistants to carry out their work. Pieces of liturgical furniture such as pulpits, lecterns, lecterns, the altar table, etc…

In Religious Articles Brabander we will try to delve into the usefulness and definition of lecterns, lecterns and pulpits. The name of these items of furniture, despite their origin having a perfectly differentiated meaning, has merged over the years. Popularly using, in many cases, the three terms to designate the same type of article.

We have recapitulated information to try to explain when a church pulpit should be used, when a church ambo and when a church lectern .

To facilitate the different descriptions, we have divided the topic into three parts. The first of these parts, the one you are reading right now, will be dedicated to church pulpits .

The second part, which we will publish soon, will focus on the church ambos. Very important element with a deep meaning.

Thirdly, to close the cycle dedicated to lecterns, lecterns and pulpits, we will talk about church lecterns . Pieces that began to be used fundamentally on the table and have evolved over the years.

Church pulpit, original features

Church pulpits are architectural elements that began to be built in the early years of Christianity. The   Pulpits, originally, were raised areas that were raised taking advantage of one of the walls of the Church, the pillars or in the presbytery.  

From the pulpit, where everyone attending the Mass could perfectly hear, the priests preached their sermons . For a long time the pulpit played a central role in liturgical celebrations.

Over the centuries, the importance of the pulpits was diminishing. The liturgical norms that the Church has been approving have centralized the Mass in the presbyteral area.

These modifications, especially in those modern churches that do not incorporate pulpits or in small churches, have led to the use of lecterns or standing lecterns to carry out activities that were traditionally carried out in the pulpits.

Classic parts of church pulpits

Originally almost all pulpits were made up of the following elements:

The pulpit ladder

Stairs used to access the pulpit. It could be built on the wall of the church, the column that supported the pulpit, etc...

The pulpit support

Element on which the pulpit was based. It could be a cantilever, in case the pulpit was suspended, or it could be supported on the church floor itself.

The platform of the pulpit tribune

The floor of the pulpit. Place where the minister was located. In cast iron at the time the pulpit was built, the shape of the base varied. Hexagonal shapes, rounded shapes, etc...

The parapet of the pulpit gallery

Wall or barrier rising from the platform. Security element prevented the officiant from falling from the pulpit. The sill, being one of the most visible elements of the pulpit, used to be decorated with liturgical elements.

The pulpit lectern

Lectern located in the pulpit gallery. Piece made of different materials. There is evidence of wooden lecterns, bronze lecterns, glass lecterns, etc... on which the texts, books or notes that the priest used during his sermon were supported. The existence of the lectern in the pulpits has contributed to the fusion of both terms.

Pulpit loudspeaker

Canopy, architectural element, which, as a roof, covered the pulpit. In addition to an aesthetic component, it had an important practical function, it served to spread the voice of the priest throughout the church.

Pulpits for churches in our online store

Púlpitos de iglesia - Venta de ambones de madera The definition of the pulpit as an architectural element remains to this day. But it is becoming more and more common, as has been said, to identify pulpits with lecterns, and even with standing lecterns.

In fact, it is quite common to refer to an ambo or a pulpit interchangeably. It is, for this reason, that in Religious Articles Brabander we have unified the ambos and pulpits in the same subcategory. If you want to buy a pulpit , or simply know the price of a pulpit , you can visit the church furniture section of our online store. In this category, among others, you will find the selection of ambos and pulpits that we have for sale with their corresponding sale price. Bronze pulpits, wooden pulpits, acrylic pulpits, etc…


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