Easter of Lugo 2020
Holy Week Catholic figurines

Easter of Lugo 2020

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Holy Week in Lugo

Holy Week in Lugo has established itself as one of the Galician Holy Week celebrations with the greatest capacity for attraction. The emotional Pasos de Semana Santa , wooden carvings and religious images that take part in a procession have made many faithful come to the walled city.

Along with Holy Week in Viveiro , Holy Week in Ferrol (both declared of International Tourist Interest), Holy Week in Mondoñedo , Holy Week in Cangas , Holy Week in Fisterra , etc... these are some of the celebrations of Holy Week. Santa with the greatest influx of people from the peninsular northwest.

Holy Week in Lugo , through its Board of Brotherhoods, is trying to achieve the distinction of Holy Week of National Tourist Interest .

Processions and acts that we can enjoy through the streets of Lugo during Holy Week.

Holy Week in Lugo 2020, Via Crucis on Friday of Sorrows

Via Crucis "The Faith of a People"

At 8:30 p.m.

Departure from the passage of Christ of Mercy venerated in the Church of Santiago A Nova.

Presided over by Bishop D. Alfonso Carrasco Rouco, Bishop of Lugo.

Holy Week in Lugo 2020, Palm Sunday processions

Blessing of Palms and Procession of the Passage of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem

At 11:30 a.m.

Departure: Praza de Santa María.

Organized by: Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem,"A Borriquiña" .

Itinerary of the Passage of the Procession: Praza de Santa María, Praza Maior, Rúa da Raiña, Armayá and Praza Maior.

The boys and girls of the Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry will parade dressed as Roman and Hebrew soldiers with palms. At the end of the procession, Holy Eucharist in the Cathedral of Lugo.

Procession of the Paso de la Virgen de los Dolores

At 7:00 p.m.

Departure: Franciscan Convent, Praza Maior.

Organizes: Brotherhood of the Unlocking of the Lord and of the Greatest Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin .

Steps of the Procession: Paso de la Virgen de los Dolores and Paso de la Veracruz .

Itinerary of the Steps of the Procession: Franciscan Convent, Praza Maior, Conde Pallarés, Doutor Castro, Praza Maior, San Pedro, Progreso, Xoán Montes, Rúa da Raiña, Praza Maior and ends in front of the Franciscan Convent.

Holy Week in Lugo 2020, Holy Monday procession

Procession of the Paso de la Virgen de la Esperanza

At 8:30 p.m.

Exit: Church of Santiago "A Nova", door of Praza Anxo Fernández López.

Organizes: Distinguished Brotherhood of the Blessed Virgin of Hope.

Pasos of the Procession: Paso de la Virgen de la Esperanza and Paso de la Oración in the Huerto de los Olivos .

Itinerary of the Passage of the Procession: Church of Santiago "A Nova", Praza Anxo Fernández López, Campo Castelo, Ronda da Muralla, Bispo Aguirre, bottom of the Praza Maior Praza, Conde Pallarés, Santo Domingo, Raíña, Praza Maior (in front of the Town Hall ) and ends at Praza de Anxo Fernández López.  

With the participation of the Spanish Armanda (Honorary Big Brother) singing the Salve Marinera at the end of the procession.

Holy Week in Lugo 2020, Holy Tuesday procession

Procession of the Paso del Buen Jesús and the Paso del Nazareno

At 8:30 p.m.

Departure: Santa Iglesia Catedral Basilica, Praza Pío XII.

Organizes: Episcopal and Cathedral Brotherhood of Good Jesus.  

Steps of the Procession: Paso del Buen Jesús and Paso de Jesús Nazareno .

Itinerary of the Steps of the Procession: Cathedral, Praza de Pío XII, Bó Xesús, Praza de Santa María, Casas Nóvoa, Praza Maior, Armanyá, Sto. Domingo, Rúa da Raiña, Praza Maior, Praza Santa María, Bó Xesús and Cathedral.

In Praza Maior, at the height of the Franciscan Convent, "The encounter of Mary with Jesus on the way to Calvary" will take place.

Holy Week in Lugo 2020, Holy Wednesday Procession

Procession of the Paso del Santo Cristo del Perdón and the Paso de Nuestra Señora de la Piedad. Penitential Way of the Cross.

At 8:30 p.m.

Departure: Santa Iglesia Catedral Basilica, Praza Pío XII.

Organizes: Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Forgiveness and Our Lady of Mercy.  

Steps of the Procession: Paso del Cristo del Perdón and Paso de la Virgen de la Piedad .

Itinerary of the Steps of the Procession: Lugo Cathedral, Praza Pío XII, Bó Xesús, Casas Nóvoa, Praza Maior, Rúa da Raiña, Praza Maior, Casas Nóvoa, Bó Xesús and Cathedral.

Via Crucis as it passes through Rúa da Raiña.

The Institute of the Civil Guard, as Honorary Brother of the Brotherhood, will escort the image of Christ throughout the procession.

Holy Week in Lugo 2020, Holy Thursday procession.

Eucharistic Procession of the Passage of the Holy Supper

At approximately 7:30 p.m. when the Mass of the Lord's Supper is over.

Departure: Santa Iglesia Catedral Basilica, Praza Pío XII.

Organizes: Sacramental Brotherhood of the Holy Supper of the Lord .

Procession route: Lugo Cathedral, Bó Xesús, Praza de Santa María, Praza Maior, Bó Xesús and Lugo Cathedral. The Blessed Sacrament will be deposited in the Cathedral in the Reserve Tabernacle.

The Reserva del Santísimo has a historical and liturgical significance in the city of Lugo, since the Lugo Cathedral has the immemorial privilege of the Continuous Exhibition of the Santísimo. Since 1963, it also has the privilege of carrying the Blessed Sacrament in procession through the streets of the city.

Holy Week in Lugo 2020, processions and acts of Good Friday

Sermon of the seven words

At 12:00 p.m.

Holy Church Cathedral Basilica

Organizes: Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Forgiveness and Our Lady of Mercy.

Celebration of the Passion of Our Lord

At 6:00 p.m.

Holy Church Cathedral Basilica

Act of the Uncloaking of Our Lord

At 6:30 p.m.

Conventual Church P.P. Franciscans, Praza Maior.

Organizes: Brotherhood of the Unlocking of the Lord and of the Greatest Sorrows of Holy Mary.

An articulated religious image of great realism is used.

Procession of the Holy Burial

At 8:00 p.m.

Conventual Church P.P. Franciscans, Praza Maior.

Organized by: Secular Franciscan Order and the Brotherhood of the Unlocking of the Lord and of the Major Sorrows of the Most Holy Mary.

Pasos of the Procession: Paso de la Virgen de la Soledad, Paso del Cristo Yacente, Paso del Desenclavo (since 1948) and Paso de El Descendimiento (since 2001). The other brotherhoods with their steps join the procession in the Praza de Santa María (8:15 p.m.)

Itinerary of the Steps of the Procession: Praza da Soidade, L. Peña Novo, Armanyá, Conde Pallarés, Praza de Santa María, Praza Maior (by Franciscans and City Hall), Raiña, Santo Domingo, Armanyá, L. Peña Novo and ends in the bottom of Santo Domingo.

Procession of the Paso de la Virgen de la Soledad, "As Caladiñas"

At 11:00 p.m.

Departure: Chapel of Solitude, Praza da Soidade.

Organizes: Secular Franciscan Order .

Itinerary of the Passage of the Procession: Praza da Soidade, Tcnel. Teijeiro, Armanyá, Conde Pallares, Praza Maior, Raiña, Santo Domingo, San Marcos, Bolaño Rivadeneira, Quiroga Ballesteros and ends at Praza da Soidade. (Itinerary may be modified)

The Paso de la Virgen de la Soledad is traditionally the most popular during Holy Week in Lugo. Formerly it was only female, but in recent years men and boys participate.

Attendees are asked to come with lighted candles and remain silent throughout the celebration and tour.

Holy Week in Lugo 2020, Holy Saturday procession

Procession of the Virgin of Mercy

At 8:30 a.m.

Departure: Santa Iglesia Catedral Basilica.

Organizes: Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Forgiveness and Our Lady of Mercy .

Procession route: Cathedral, Bó Xesús, Praza de Santa María, Praza Maior, Praza Santa María, Bó Xesús and Cathedral.

Solemn Easter Vigil

At 11:00 p.m.

Holy Church Cathedral Basilica.

Around midnight on Holy Saturday the Easter Vigil will begin. In this celebration, after blessing the Holy Fire (the New Fire) , the Paschal Candle will be lit, symbol of the Resurrection of Jesus, symbol of the victory of life over death.

Holy Week Lugo 2020, Resurrection Sunday procession (Easter Sunday)

Procession of the Holy Encounter

At 11:40 a.m.

Departure: Lugo City Hall.

Itinerary of the Passage of the Procession: Lugo City Hall, central promenade of Praza Maior, Casas Nóvoa, Praza de Santa María, Bo Xesús and Praza de Pío XII.

The Virgen del Rosario, special patron saint of the Lugo City Council, attends the meeting of her Resurrected Son. This short procession has a solemnity and a special meaning.

Procession of Our Lord Jesus Christ Resurrected

At 1:30 p.m.

Departure: Santa Maria Square.

Organizes: Children's Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, "la Borriquita".  

Itinerary of the Passage of the Procession: Praza de Santa María, Praza Maior, Rúa da Raiña, Santo Domingo, San Marcos and ends at the Church of San Froilán.

Jesus has risen, he has defeated death to forgive all our sins.

Holy Week in Lugo 2020, other events

Ninth Virgin of Sorrows

5:30 p.m., from April 4 to 12.

The Novena of the Virgen de los Dolores will be celebrated in the Chapel of Soledad.

Organizes: Secular Franciscan Order.

If you have any questions, you can contact Brabander, an Easter items store .

Information provided by the Board of Brotherhoods of Lugo .

  • holy week lugo
  • processions lugo
  • step holy week lugo

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