Goldsmith shop and liturgical ornaments in Galicia

Goldsmith shop and liturgical ornaments in Galicia

Religious Articles Brabander is a store of parish objects and brotherhoods. Both in our online store and in our store of religious articles in Galicia you can find all kinds of religious images, religious jewelry, liturgical ornaments, Easter candles , etc...

Several of our customers have searched the Internet for the address of our store in Lugo. This search has encountered problems locating the exact location of the store.

We have checked it, and Google Maps and Pinterest are giving errors when locating our store . We are trying to fix the situation. While it is not fixed, we have decided to make this post to clear doubts.

Religious goldsmith shop in Galicia , search in Google Maps.

As we mentioned in the introduction, Google Maps is giving an error when locating our religious goldsmith shop in Lugo (Galicia).

Currently, when searching for our goldsmith shop on Google Maps, the store location appears twice .

On one side appears the "Brabander Religious Articles" store and on the other side appears the "Brabander" store . Both stores are the same and are located in Plaza de Pío XII, 7 Bajo, right next to the Cathedral of the capital of Lugo (Galicia).

We have asked Google to remove one of the two addresses to avoid problems. They have confirmed to us that they are working to rectify the information.

The address and data provided by Google are correct in both results . Our store is in Plaza Pío XII, 7 with the postal code 27001 of Lugo (Galicia) . The contact telephone number of our store is 982 25 33 01 or 662 54 28 42 (for calls and/or WhatsApp). That is, any of the stores that you find in your Google search is reliable.

Important information on Brabander Religious Articles : as of October 17, 2016, we have moved our Religious Articles store to Nicomedes Pastor Díaz Street, 1 Entresuelo Izquierda, 27001 Lugo (Galicia) .

Liturgical vestments shop in Lugo , search on Pinterest.

Pinterest is a recently created social network focused on sharing images. At Brabander Religious Articles we have started working with this page because we have found it to be an attractive way to show our store of liturgical vestments and other information of interest.

Each of the publications, known as Pins, can be geolocated , that is, they can be associated with a specific address. To provide this service, Pinterest uses the technology of the Foursquare application.

Religious Articles Brabander has a Foursquare account in which all our data can be seen: address, telephone number, Religious Articles Brabander account on Twitter , Facebook, etc...

As we have verified, the Foursquare page places our religious store at its correct address (Plaza de Pío XII, 7 at 27001 Lugo (Galicia).

The issue occurs when we push new Pins to Pinterest. It is when creating a Pin and associating the address of our store in Lugo when the error occurs. Pinterest locates our store at the wrong address in the capital of Luguesa . After checking with them, they have informed us that they are working to fix it.

Important information about Brabander Religious Articles : as of October 17, 2016, we have moved our Religious Articles store to Nicomedes Pastor Díaz Street, 1 Entresuelo Izquierda, 27001 Lugo .

In short, our recommendation is that you look for the correct address of Brabander Religious Articles on Facebook or Twitter.


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